If you regularly visit our website, you’ve definitely noticed that we’ve performed a bit of an overhaul. We’ve changed the color scheme, the layout, the menu, and the design. In fact, the only thing we haven’t changed is our industry-leading selection of custom hose, gaskets and seals, hose couplers, sheet rubber, and other products.

The biggest change – and the one that was needed the most – was a transition to a 100% mobile-responsive design. With over 50% of all web traffic coming from mobile devices, we felt that it was important to offer our mobile-browsing clients a consistent experience. No longer will they need to pinch, tap, and zoom their way into the content, instead, the site will automatically resize itself, adjusting to their device’s dimensions.

In addition to this programmatic change, we’ve made a number of navigational changes. Aiming to make it easy to locate the products that our clients are looking for, we’ve restructured the site in its entirety. Now featuring a centralized, top-level “Products” category, it’s a breeze to locate the custom hose, sheet rubber, and other rubber products that you’re interested in. And, of course, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, we’ve placed a “Contact” page right in the top menu!

At Kent Rubber Supply, we’re committed to acting as a “one stop shop” for all of our clients’ needs. Whether you’re searching for hose, gaskets, seals, fittings, couplings, or any other rubber-related products, we’re confident that we can deliver on your expectations!